Friday, July 10, 2009


I'm going to do something like this for my major body of work in year 12. It's going to fucking mad.

An illustration is a visualization such as a drawing, painting, photograph or other work of art that stresses subject more than form. The aim of an illustration is to elucidate or decorate textual information (such as a story, poem or newspaper article) by providing a visual representation.

Fine art describes any art form developed primarily for aesthetics and/or concept rather than utility.
Aesthetics (also spelled æsthetics ot esthetics) is commonly known as the study of sensory or sensori-emotional values, sometimes called judgments of sentiment and taste.[1] More broadly, scholars in the field define aesthetics as "critical reflection on art, culture and nature."[2][3] Aesthetics is a subdiscipline of axiology, a branch of philosophy, and is closely associated with the philosophy of art.[4] Aesthetics studies new ways of seeing and of perceiving the world.[5]

Edit :
On a side note, one of the mods on NG had his account hacked. The forums are going to shit, and I just got banned. Hooray.
Edit :
Oh shit, the mod brigade was called and shit just got served.

(Green - Mod, Red - Admin.)
KaynSlamdykes got his mod status removed by, I'm assuming Wade.
Most intense 1 hour of my life.

Reality restoration pending.